OSCA’s Cranston Chess Club – SPECIAL BLITZ TOURNAMENT – 5th Week Event – May 29 – $175 Prizes

Thursday, May 29, 2025
Note: This is a Special Week 5 = Blitz Tournament 6SS – G/5/2 (Not Every Month)
Entry Fee: $20 for this one-night Blitz Tournament Event
Blitz Tournament Prizes: $175 b/10 players = 1st Place $100, 2nd $50, 3rd $25, 1st Place Trophy
* Week 5 = Blitz Tournament 6SS – G/5/2 – Only for this Special Blitz Event
(6 Round Blitz, Each player gets 5 minutes each with 2 second delay)
* Blitz Rating will be used for this event; If no Blitz rating then regular rating will be used for pairing purposes only
* Unrated Blitz players can also play with an active USCF membership
* This event will NOT affect your Regular USCF Rating, Only affect your BLITZ RATING ONLY
* USCF Rated Games Start Promptly at 7:00 PM, please arrive by 6:45-6:50 PM, Blitz Finishes no later than 9:00 PM
* Unrated players may join us and play fun side games anytime for Free
* If 5 weeks in a month, Week 5 = Blitz Tournament 6SS – G/5/2 (Special Event, Not Every Month)
* Note: Our Regular Weekly Format: G/45;d10 = 1 USCF rated game per week. (4 games per month), $5 per week to play
* The Regular G/45 tournament results from all 4 weeks submitted at end of the month as 4-Round Tournament

G/45;d10 – One Rated Game per week – $5 to play each week – 4 Week Tournament
Cash Prizes and Trophy to Winner of the Month, Rated and Unrated Games each week

Ocean State Chess Association is the Official R.I. State Affiliate of the United States Chess Federation
Upcoming Meeting Days:
* Thursday, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (May 29 = Week 5 Blitz Event)
* Thursday, June 5, 12, 19, 26
* Thursday, July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 (July 31 = Week 5 Blitz Event)