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MACA EVENT: 92nd Massachusetts Open – Mass State Championship – $7,500 Guaranteed Prizes (Westford. MA)

May 25, 2024 May 27, 2024

Westford Regency Inn & Conference Center, 219 Littleton Road, Westford, MA 01886 

SAT. MAY 25 – MON. MAY 27
(Memorial Day Weekend)

Event Organizer: The Massachusetts Chess Association (click here)  VISIT ORGANIZER WEBSITE

Event Location: Westford Regency Inn & Conference Center, 219 Littleton Road, Westford, MA 01886  

Event Date:
Saturday, May 25, 2023
Sunday, May 26, 2023
Monday, May 27, 2023

Time Control: 6SS, 40/120, SD/30, d10 (2-day schedule, G/40, d10 in rounds 1-3)

Rounds Time:
* 3-day: Sat. 10:30 & 5, Sun. 10:30 & 5, Mon. 10 & 4.
* 2-day: Sun. 10:30, 1, 3 & 5, Mon. 10 & 4. No 2-day Championship section schedule

Byes: Byes in rounds 1-5 in Championship section, 1-6 in others, limit 2, rounds 4-6 must commit before round 2.
Prize Info: $7,500 guaranteed 

Inquiry: [email protected]    Bob Messenger 603-891-2484. call 603-557-1732.
Entry Fee: $90 for 3-day, $89 for 2-day mailed by 5/20 or online by Wednesday 5/22, $110 online by 5/23 or at site.$30 discount to players in U1200 section. GMs and IMs free.

Registration – 3-day: Sat. 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. 2-day: Sun. 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
Registration – Online: Available till END OF DAY OF 5/22/2024
Registration – Mail: Payable: MACA. Mail entry to: Bob Messenger, 4 Hamlett Dr. Apt. 12, Nashua N.H. 03062
Membership Requirement: USCF membership required. MACA membership required for Mass. residents.
REGISTER NOW! Championship, rated 1800 or above $1000-500, top Under 2300 $500
REGISTER NOW! Under 2100, 3-Day $800-400, top Under 1900 $400
REGISTER NOW! Under 2100, 2-Day
REGISTER NOW! Under 1800, 3-Day $800-400, top Under 1600 $400
REGISTER NOW! Under 1800, 2-Day
REGISTER NOW! Under 1500, 3-Day $700-350, top Under 1300 $350
REGISTER NOW! Under 1500, 2-Day
REGISTER NOW! Under 1200, 3-Day $400-250, top Under 1000 $250
REGISTER NOW! Under 1200, 2-Day
* The Championship section is open to players rated 1800 and above.
* There is no 2-day schedule in the Championship section.
* The Championship section is FIDE rated, and FIDE rules are used.
* State Champion title to the top-scoring Mass. resident or student in each section.
* Unrated prize limits: $400 in U2100, $300 in U1800, $200 in U1500, $100 in U1200, can’t win title.
* Bring chess set and clock.
* Payment at site must be by cash or check. No credit cards.
* MACA annual meeting Monday 9 a.m.
* Foreign player ratings: see

Massachusetts Chess Association

Bob Messenger (603) 891-2484

View Organizer Website