- This event has passed.
Connecticut State Chess Association Event: 2023 Connecticut Open – $3,000 in Guaranteed Prizes! (South Windsor, CT) – Close to R.I.

June 10, 2023 – June 11, 2023
Location: Cambria Hotel @ Evergreen Walk (NEW HOTEL)
1000 Long Leaf Lane
South Windsor, CT 06074
* Limit 90 players *
Rounds/Time: 5 Rounds SS, G/60 d10. USCF rated.
Schedule: 6/10: 11 AM, 2 PM, 5 PM, 6/11: 10 AM, 1 PM, Awards: ASAP
One ½ pt bye permitted in Rounds 1-4; must commit by end of registration.
Sections: 3 Sections
* U1800
* U1200
$600-300-200 to Top 3 in Open, $200 to Top U2100, not otherwise placing.
$500-250-200 to Top 3 in U1800, $200 to Top U1500, not otherwise placing.
$200-150-100 plus Trophies to Top 3 in U1200, $100 plus Trophy to Top U800,
Trophies to Top U500 and Unrated, not otherwise placing.
State Open Champion trophy to Open winner. Unrated not eligible for class prizes.
Prizes based on final standings on USCF tie breaks, NOT USCF distribution rules,
except perfect (5-0) scores, who share money prizes equally. Prizes may not be
combined; one prize per player in listed order.
Tie break: If there are 2 or more players tied with a perfect (5-0) score, a playoff will
determine the section winner and will immediately follow Round 5. See Note [1]
below. Other ties determined by US Chess standard tie breaks.
Entry Fee: $85 by June 3 / $100 by June 6 / $115 by June 9 / $130 by 9:00 am on June 10.
U1200 $10 less: $75/$90/$105/$120. Limit: 90 entries. Online registration, only. NO on-site registration.
Discounts: General DISCOUNTS: Students with financial hardship, attending Title I schools
or requesting a sibling discount should email events. EMAIL: [email protected] to request
additional registration instructions.
CSCA Member Organization & Premium Member DISCOUNT: CSCA Member
Organizations and Premium Members will receive instructions to apply $20
membership discount to their entries. Schools may apply for Member Organization
status at any time by email to [email protected]. Individual players may
register for Premium Membership here.
GMs and IMs: Entry fee is waived for GMs and IMs, if registering by June 3.
Deducted from prize thereafter. Please email [email protected] to register.
Hotel Room Reservation; Hotel rate: $179/night, June 9-10, rate exp.: 6/2
FLYER: https://www.chessct.org/csca/Uploads/Open.23.fly.pdf
ONLINE REGISTRATION HERE: https://www.events4chess.com/events/?event_ID=1840&cat=1
Chief TD: Frank DelBonis