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Ocean State Chess 1st Buttonwoods Brewery Quick G/10 Chess Tournament (Cranston, RI)

Location: (Close to Park Ave / Warwick Line)
Buttonwoods Brewery
530 Wellington Ave
Cranston, RI 02910
Format: 5SS, G/10; d5 – 5 Rounds, 10 Minutes with 5 Second delay.
Round 1 starts 11:00 AM. Finished by 2:00 PM
Note: Event is limited to 30 Players, Please Pre-register Early.
Must be 21+ Years old to enter the Brewery and play in Tournament
EF: $30 Advance Entry. $5 more at door if space is available
Entry includes 1 Free Beer of Choice, or 2 Seltzer’s/Soda’s. Food available to purchase.
* OPEN (One Section)
PRIZES : $200 /20 Paid Entries
* 1st Place = $100, 1st Place Trophy
* 2nd Place = $50
* Top U1500 Prize = $50

* Event sponsored by Buttonwoods Brewery & Ocean State Chess Association
* First Chess Tournament ever held at a Brewery in Rhode Island
* Must be 21 years of age to enter Brewery. No exceptions
* $30 Entry Free includes = 1 Free Beer of choice, or 2 Free Seltzers/Soda/Drinks. Food available to purchase
* On-Site registration only if tickets are not “sold out.” the day of event is $5 more. $35 Cash only
* USCF Required. This is rated as a “Quick Rated” event, It will not affect your regular rating
* USCF Regular and Quick Ratings will be used for pairing purposes (The higher of the 2 ratings used)
* Entrance is in back of building. See “Annex” Buttonwoods Brewery Sign.
* Tournament is limited to 30 Players, please pre-register early.
* Late Entries will receive 1/2 pt. bye or be paired if possible
* Additional chess players can join us for a FREE Unrated Games after tournament at 2:00 PM.
* Spectators not playing in tournament are welcome. Join us & buy a beer to help support the brewery
* Round 1 will start at 11:00 AM, will run continuous. Finish around 2:00 PM
* Chess Sets and clocks are provided for Chess Tournament
* Chief TD: Frank DelBonis, Certified USCF Senior Tournament Director & TD Assistants
* Ocean State Chess Association is a registered Non-Profit in the State of Rhode Island
* Click on Buttonwoods Brewery link at bottom of this webpage for more information about the brewery